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Magnify is an upcoming journal with the goal to publish and promote the works of aspiring artists, whether it is with writings, photographs, paintings, or drawings. We chose the title to represent each individual, to give the opportunity to show oneself- who that person is, and what that individual can do with a little more emphasis and magnification.


We want your submissions of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photographs, art work or other publishable material. We believe everyone has a voice that is worthy of being heard; everyone is unique and can add something to the world. Let us share your fascinations, your talents, your creations.




Length is not especially restricted. If your submission is chosen, we will eagerly publish and print up to four pages of your works, with an optional link to our website where readers can see the full piece of your writing if it is longer (up to 35 pages max- any longer and you should look into publishing your own book!).  


How and where to submit manuscripts:


Email your submissions to:


Please put a short and concise subject title for your email, i.e. “Poem submission,” “Drawing submission,” “Question about submissions,” etc.


After submission:


Our staff will look over the works submitted and choose the final few. We are very appreciative to all submitters, but unfortunately our space is limited and not all pieces will make it to the final printed copy. After your piece has been viewed and reviewed by our staff, you will receive a letter by email. 


If your piece is selected to be a part of our printed journal we will be in contact with you over email or face-to-face meetings to make sure your piece is exactly what you want to share with the world.


  Submissions deadline:

   October 20th 2013



Magnify Staff


Submission Guidelines for Magnify

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